If you design a tattoo that another tattoo artist or business determines is based on their copyrighted images or design, you could be subject to penalties or legal claims. It’s important to protect yourself, even if you didn’t intentionally copy another design.
The penalties themselves can be costly, but the solicitor’s fees you could incur may be even greater. There are also costs associated with the time you’ll need to take away from your business and potential damage to your business’s reputation.
If you inadvertently copy designs off the internet a competitor may claim that the design was theirs and try to claim against you for damages.
Consumer policies tend to have a cooling off period. Some commercial policies will offer a pro rata cancellation refund if cancelled mid-term. Some policies are known as minimum and deposit. This means all the premium is due from the moment you take up the policy with no refunds given. It is always worth consulting with us regarding any questions you have around this. Our aim is always to provide you with the insurance solution which best fits your business and current needs.
This is a non-refundable insurance policy, usually reserved for liability insurance policies.
Only if you have no leeway within your policy and are required to do so under the terms of the wording. Most policies that require a turnover to be declared will be based on a year-end adjustable basis. This means that provided you do not exceed any of the triggers (i.e. exceed 25% or 50% of declared turnover) then you can wait until renewal and make a declaration. Insurers will reserve the right to charge if the amount is higher than the original declared amount. You will need to check what allowances your policy makes.
On some occasions they do via selected registers. The best approach is to declare everything you think is relevant, thus removing any concerns you may have about historical data.
If you have sent us a proposal form, we can start sourcing you a quote straight away. If you simply fill in your details and submit them on the site, we will typically come back to you the same working day or next working day if you fill in our form outside of working hours.
Policies vary greatly. Some products, like high net worth private household policies give very broad cover including warranty free policies whilst other policies may restrict cover to very narrow set of conditions using policy wordings. It is also true that insurers approach to claims handling varies greatly and you should always enquire as to how well an insurer deals with claims.
This is when a proportional amount of the premium is refunded in line with the amount of time that remained on the policy.
The answer is an emphatic yes! Most insurers will ask you a direct question in relation to liquidation or bankruptcies, it may be for a limited period or ask you to declare any incidents ever. It’s important to answer the question correctly as this is often an area that comes up when insurers are investigating claims.