Public & Employers Liability
Treatment Risk Cover
Contents & Equipment
Working Away Cover
Inksurance is a specialist insurer for the tattoo and body piercing industry in the UK. We represent many companies in the community and have an insurance scheme set up to cater to your unique needs. This means we can use our buying power to your advantage in keeping premiums down and the relevant cover specific to you.
Inksurance helps you protect every vital element of your business. You’ll already be fully licensed in order to operate as a body piercer, but whether you have your own premises, are self-employed, or operate at various conventions throughout the year, Inksurance can offer you the cover you need.
Public liability insurance would cover the cost of legal action and any compensation claim/s made against your business if a third party is injured or their property suffers damage whilst at your business premises, or when you are working away from your studio or premises.
Employers’ liability insurance safeguards businesses against legal and compensation expenses from employee claims. If one of your employees falls ill or sustains an injury in the context of the work they do for you, you could be held liable. It is also a legal requirement for businesses within the United Kingdom with at least one employee.
Treatment risk cover protects you or your company against unforeseen legal issues and the potential attributed legal and compensation costs following an injury or illness to your client which they claim was caused by your negligence.
Convention Insurance offers protection to the organiser(s) of the Tattoo Convention in the event of an incident happening at the event or a catastrophe occurring outside the event forcing its cancellation.
Studio Content, Fixtures & Fittings covers the cost of replacing or repairing your possessions if they are damaged, destroyed or stolen.
Protecting all fixed and etched glass (inside and out) plus your shop front from accidental damage, including alarms and more.
Copyright & design infringement protects you in the event a claim was made against you from an actual or alleged unintentional registered design infringement as regards the design of one of your tattoos and/or piercings.
Protecting you against loss or damage to any of your tattoo equipment used in relation to the business.
Buildings insurance covers the cost of repairing damage to the structure of your property. Garages, sheds and fences are also covered, as well as the cost of replacing items such as pipes, cables and drains. Please contact us for more information regarding this policy.
Personal Accident Insurance is a product designed to compensate you following serious injury or death as the result of an accident. It protects you and your family against the lost income generated by an accident and can assist with bills and other expenses. Please contact us for more information regarding this policy.
Commercial Legal Expenses protects you or your business against unforeseen legal issues and the potential attributed costs. Legal action or disputes can be hugely expensive for any size organisation and could have a devastating effect on finances and the day to day running of the business. Please contact us for more information regarding this policy.
Business interruption insurance is insurance coverage that replaces income lost in the event that business is halted due to direct physical loss or damage, such as might be caused by a fire or a natural disaster.
If you are a body piercing artist and working within a premises in the UK, it will be a requirement that you have the relevant public liability insurance cover in place before you undertake work on the general public.
Public Liability Insurance will protect you if a member of the public or a client makes a claim against you relating to an incident that took place in your place of work. This could come into play if someone was to trip or fall on your premises and choose to make a claim against you, or if a chair or bed being used in your treatment room collapsed whist the client was using it. Public Liability insurance will cover the cost of any compensation due.
The cover you should consider completely depends on the size of your business and what you want to protect yourself and the assets of the business against. Talking to us about your business, your working rituals or the policy you have in place currently (if appropriate) can help us give you the best options.
As an insurance broker specialising in tattoo, tattoo removal, body piercing and semi-permanent make up artists we know the industry extremely well. We are also unbiased when it comes to offering you the correct policy. Whilst we have no interest in offering you cover you don’t need and charging you for it, our policies package the most sought-after cover requested from body piercing artists in order to offer you protection from the most common and likely claim events.
If a member of the public hurt themselves or their property is damaged in some way whilst being on your premises, they could seek compensation from you. Public liability insurance covers your legal fees for any potential claims against you.
Employers’ Liability is very similar to the Public Liability however it covers the cost of claims made against your business by your employees, not just the general public.
This will protect you against claims made against you in respect of injury to a client or an infection caused as a result of carrying out the treatments or services you provide to them.
In the event of a fire, flood or theft in your premises Content & Equipment cover will cover any costs of damage to your building as well as the loss or damage to equipment and supplies of yours and your employees.
If you are working away at another Studio, or more commonly known as a Guest Spot, this cover acts as an extension to your public liability insurance and provides you with cover allowing you to work at any tattoo convention in the UK.
This will protect you if another tattoo artist or business determines that a tattoo you have produced is based on their copyrighted images or design.
The fastest way to a hassle-free quote would be to submit your current insurance schedule or renewal invitation here. Alternatively, you can request a call back or give your local office a call.